Way back in 1991 we got health insurance. It cost us $300 a month for the three of us and we hung onto it for over 15 years. We never missed a payment. Rarely used it and to thank us for being loyal customers they kept jacking up the premiums.
Every year we would adjust our wallets in order to keep the insurance but back in 2009 the cost of the insurance policy finally exceeded $1000.00 a month. We had to choose between our mortgage and our health care policy and oddly enough the mortgage won.
Now when I go to the doctor I cringe because the cost of health care has gotten to the point of ridiculous.
Case in point: a few weeks ago I had to go to my doctor in order to get OFF my high blood pressure pills. Stupidest thing I have ever heard but figured what the hell – at least it would be in my file that I no longer needed the meds. So I asked how much it would cost. They said $60 if I saw the nurse – $120 if I saw the doctor.
I asked to see the nurse.
When I got there they made me pay $60 up front and was taken to one of the little rooms where I saw the nurse for like 10 minutes. She took my BP and my weight (gag) then she walked out saying something about the doctor would be in soon.
I was going to stop her but thought what the heck – I can ask him why my ear is vibrating and kill two birds with one $120 stone.
He came in – asked me some really stupid questions like can I SEE my ear vibrating. I was like ummmm my ears don’t wiggle – the eardrum vibrates. :: eye roll ::
So after 10 minutes of stupid questions and “I don’t know” answers from this guy I leave there wishing I had stuck with the nurse.
10 days later I get a bill for $75. Now I didn’t go to medical school. In fact I didn’t go to college at all and yet I can manage to subtract $60 from $120 and come up with a $60 balance.
I haven’t paid the bill yet. It’s been 2 months and I know that I should but it’s just so freaking annoying. Granted it’s only $15 but it is MY $15!
And this is why I can’t afford health insurance anymore. Everyone from the doctors to the professors who taught them are freaking GREEDY!
If everyone would just take a step back and be REASONABLE then maybe we could all be healthy and happy in this lovely country of ours.
:: stepping off soap box ::